The fishing regulations are ready

Fisk nesten på kroken_75x56

Finally, the regulations for 2011 are ready. The main changes for 2011 are as follows:

  • The fishing for salmon lasts from July 1th to and including 31th of August. This implies an extension of the season by 11 days.
  • It is allowed to fish for Arctic Char in the period from July 1th to and including the 21st of july. Day quota is set to a maximum of 3 Arctic Char per day.
  • The river inspectors has a new and permanent telephone number. The number is + 47 45 10 88 88

For further details we refer to the attached fishing regulations that can be downloaded. We recall that the sale of  day licenses starts on the March 1st at 12:00.

  application/pdfFishing regulations 2011.pdf

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