How to buy fishing license for River Reisa

Purchase of fishing license in Reisaelva.


The rights to fish in the Reisa River is split 60/40 between landowners and the municipalities locals. This means that the rules and arrangments are a bit complex, and it may appear difficult for external fisherman to understand how things work. External fishermen (fishers that are not living permanent in the old border of Nordreisa municipality) have to buy their fishing licences from the landowners that own the rights to sell cards on their property. 

Salmon fishing is prohibited this season. The sea trout season will start at 12th of August and last until 14th of September. Fishing after sea trout is only allowed in zone 1 and 2. 

This means that the biggest landowner in Reisaelva, Statskog will not sell any cards this year.

Some landowners wants Reisa Elvelag to sell their cards through our sales channel Scanatura/Inatur. More information will come when there are cards available for sale. 

List of properties sold on behalf of landowners (this will be updated as soon as some properties are ready):  




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