Reisa Elvelag do not offer zone-/day tickets in zones 1-10 in 2015

We have received many inquiries about how to buy zone-/day tickets in Reisa River in 2015. Because of the judgment in court we got new statutes in June 2013, and are not allowed to offer zone tickets in zones 1-10 this season. The new constitution does not allow for this, and we apologize to all interested. We have zone-/day tickets available for zones 11-19, and this is the landowner Statskog own day tickets. If you want to fish in zones 1-10, you can purchase day tickets directly from landowners. We unfortunately do not have any contact list for landowners who sell tickets because it is up to the individual landowner to post these tickets for sale. We will probably offer some tickets gradually for landowners  on if some landowners do not want to sell the tickets themselves.

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